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5)Shouhang Li, Xinyu Zhang, Hua Bao*, Thermal transport by electrons and phonons in PdTe2: an ab initio study, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021,23, 5956-5962.
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15)Shouhang Li#, Xiaoxiang Yu#, Hua Bao*, and Nuo Yang*, High thermal conductivity of bulk epoxy resin by bottom-up parallel-linking and strain: a molecular dynamics study, Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2018, 22, 13140–13147.
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20)Y. Xiong, H. Tang, X. Wang, Y. Zhao, Q. Fu, J. Yang and D. Xu. Significantly Enhanced Thermal Conductivity of Indium Arsenide Nanowires via Sulfur Passivation. Scientific Reports 2017,7, 13252.
2)上海市科委 “探索者计划”项目,2021-2024
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